A Letter to 2020

A️s I close out the year with my girls in my arms, these are the thoughts that keep coming to mind. Happy New Year to you + your family!

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Dear 2020,
Thank you.

Thank you for being one of the most important years of my life.

Yes, you were hard at times. Yes, I experienced fear, sadness, anger, and grief.

You also gave me strength.

Through quite a few opportunities to learn, you showed me paths for growth, hearts to connect with, and more ways to love. Wow - did you give me a lot of love.️

2020, thank you for the blessing of health you gave my family this year. My children, both IVF miracle babies, have blossomed under your watch. The slower pace you gave us allowed us time that we didn't always give to ourselves. Time for snuggles, time for kisses, and time to just be.

Thank you for aligning the stars in such a way that we found and purchased the land to build our forever home on. Land that grabbed at our heart strings before you, but for some reason you had it in your plans for us this year.

Thank you for the people you have brought into our lives this year. And for those who have remained. We are private, but we are passionate. The hearts we have connected with have brought us tremendous satisfaction and joy.

2020, the blessings you have shown me as a business owner leave me speechless. You showed me and my colleagues that we are meant to be right where we are. We are doing the work we were called to do. And we are making impact in the lives within our community. Thank you. You helped us to be poised to do great things next year that we would not have taken the time to prepare for had you not required us to think out of the box.

In these final hours with you, 2020, I will reflect on all that you have given me. I will not look back on you for the challenges or heartaches.

I will look back on you for all the love. And I will always remember you fondly.

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Laurie Dierstein